Kristala: A Dark Fantasy Action RPG with cats

Created by Kristala Game

If you missed the Kickstarter campaign for Dark Fantasy ARPG Kristala with cats, don't stress! You can snag all the epic digital, physical, and in-game rewards that were part of the campaign right here - including all the core and remaining limited tiers featured on the Kickstarter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Stretch Goals REVEALED! Keoza, Tandara Clan Characters + Little Buddy Mode UNLOCKED
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 07:32:13 PM

Wow, Travelers

We've blown right past $95k, which means the three stretch goals we revealed this morning and officially unlocked...and with over 8 hours remaining in the campaign! 

Your excitement and hype during these final few days have been absolutely contagious, so we're definitely not stoppin' now - not until the cat lady sings!! 

...Or, y'know, something like that 😉

To celebrate, we just revealed the final two stretch goals that will be part of the campaign and can't wait to see if we can reach them both before the Kickstarter concludes:

  • $96,000 – Pet the Dog Steed: Interact even further with your canine mounts, giving them all the pets for a job very well done.
  • $105,000 – Train Your Steeds & Familiars: Travel to a special world where you can interact with steeds and familiars at rest. Play fetch and perform other actions to raise their affinity meter.

Both goals allow for more engagement and interaction with your loyal canine mounts and loveable rescue familiars, and if our $105k goal is met you'll be able to collect both sets of creatures within a special world that can be visited at any time!

Pet your canine steeds and visit both your steeds and rescued familiars in a special, interactable world if our final two stretch goals are met.

More Clan Spell Trees & Little Buddy Mode

And speaking of Rescue Familiars, now that we've surpassed the $95k mark, Kristala will now include even more epic features, including a Little Buddy Mode where helpful familiars will assist with uncovering covert pickups and hidden passageways.

We've also officially unlocked access to the player characters and spell trees for both our ice-magic Tandara clan and fire-wielding Keoza clan! 

This means you'll now be able to choose from four distinct and unique magic specialties in Kristala's EA release and begin your gameplay journey as a member of the Nisarga, Myrtuna, Tandara, or Keoza clans.

Remember: the clan you choose also determines which magic specialty you'll level as you play.

Now you can play Kristala as a member of the Tandara or Keoza clans and also access their comprehensive, branching spell trees

We're in the final stretch, Travelers...which means its officially on! Let's keep the momentum going and really end this thing with a major bang! 

-Astral Clocktower Studios

Projects We Love + More Critical Takedowns, New Game+ Mode UNLOCKED
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 07:01:19 AM

Hey there, Travelers

With less than 24 hours remaining in the campaign, we're gaining some serious momentum!

Not only have we blown past our next two stretch goals for New Game+ Mode and more Critical Takedown Animations, but we’ve also received the coveted “Project We Love” badge from Kickstarter!

We are so incredibly humbled by this honorable achievement, and truly couldn't have reached this epic milestone without all the love and support you've shown us, so let's celebrate this big win together!!

Kristala has been given the coveted "Project We Love" recognition for its Kickstarter campaign

With the $75k and $80k stretch goals for a New Game+ mode and more Critical Takedown Animations both respectively unlocked, Kristala will now include even more exciting and challenging features for every single backer, across all platforms. 

The New Game+ mode will allow you to take on the Raksaka Proving a second time at your current level, with all enemies, elites, and bosses now having higher health and inflicting more damage during combat.

Plus, with additional critical takedowns now in the mix, you'll be able to unleash even more custom brutal takedowns as you play, making combat way more immersive and satisfying.

Kristala will now include a New Game + mode and more critical takedown animations thanks to unlocking the next two stretch goals

Even More Epic Stretch Goals Revealed

Now that the $80k mark has been surpassed, we've added three more exciting stretch goals that have officially been revealed and added to the page:

  • $85k - Tandara Clan Character + Spell Tree added to the game
  • $90k - Rescue animal familiars to activate Little Buddy Mode
  • $95k - Keoza Clan Character + Spell Tree added to the game

The skins for all six clans will of course be part of the Cat Character Customizer during the character creation process, but unlocking the Tandara and Keoza clan character goals will also unlock access to their comprehensive Spell Trees.

Reaching these goals will allow you to level an eminence-based ice magic as a Tandaran or a malediction-based fire magic as a Keozan on their respective trees.

If our $85k and $95k stretch goals are met, you'll be able to play Kristala as a member of the Tandara clan or Keoza clan, respectively.

At $90k, we'd unlock a special "Little Buddy Mode" that would allow you to rescue animal familiars in each level that will assist you during gameplay.

These familiars would be invincible and help you in various ways during gameplay, helping you pick up gold and other valuable items as well as revealing secret passageways and hidden treasures.

Reaching our $90k stretch goal would unlock a special Little Buddy Mode with invincible familiars that will help you gain advantage during gameplay.

Can we reach all the remaining goals before the end of the campaign? The race is definitely on as we head into the final 24 hours.

Don't forget to spread the hype and share the campaign with your communities across social media - let's end with a bang, together!

-Astral Clocktower Studios

Challenge Mode Poll Results

You submitted your votes for which additional challenge runs you want added to Kristala beyond the 9 Lives mode and we've heard you loud and clear!

Naked Challenge runs and Starting Gear challenge runs were the overwhelming winners, so you can definitely expect those to be included in both the EA and full releases of the game.

We also got tons of new ideas for additional challenges - including Speed Runs, Time Trials, and "Floor is Lava" modes among others - and we can guarantee that some of these will also make the final cut.

We're still working out the final set of runs that that will be included, so stay tuned! We'll share progress on these epic Challenges in future updates!

Canine Steeds, Switch Port, Crafting UNLOCKED + More Exciting Stretch Goals
over 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 07:00:28 AM

Hey there, Travelers

WOW!! We are so incredibly humbled by the amount of support we’ve received over the past 24 hours. Since our last update, we’ve made some incredible strides toward making the release for Kristala even sweeter. 

Not only have we blown past our $60k goal for Canine Steeds and the $65k goal for porting the game to the Nintendo Switch, but we've also already unlocked one of our new stretch goals at $70k for the addition of a Crafting System to Kristala!

Now you can choose to own a digital copy of ARPG Kristala on the Switch during post-campaign surveys, in addition to selecting between digital copies for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, or Steam.

We know how badly you've been wanting to see this game on the Switch, so we absolutely can't wait to make this a reality thanks to your generous and unwavering support.

The Nintendo Switch Port stretch goal has officially been unlocked as part of the Kristala Kickstarter campaign

With these goals achieved, you'll also now be able to summon a friendly canine mount to join you along your Raksaka Proving and help you traverse the gameplay world even more quickly and efficiently.

A comprehensive crafting system will also now be added to the game, allowing you to create tools, consumables, and armor/weapon stat enhancements using the world items and enemy drops found along your travels in Ailur.

A comprehensive crafting system will now be added to Kristala, thanks to reaching our new $70k stretch goal

More New Stretch Goals Revealed

With two days remaining in the Kickstarter campaign, our collective sights are now set on the next two stretch goals that were just revealed for the campaign:

  •  A New Game+ mode at $75k that will allow you to beat the game again at your current level, but with everything having higher health and inflicting more damage. 
  • And the addition of even more epic Critical Takedown Animations once we reach the $80k mark, giving you even more ways to slay your enemies when their balance has been drained.
The final two stretch goals revealed for the Kristala Kickstarter campaign is a New Game+ at $75k and more Critical Takedowns animations at $80k.

We couldn’t be more appreciative of the unwavering support we've received during this exciting journey, and can’t wait to see what else we can achieve during the final 2 days in the Kickstarter campaign.

Please continue sharing the hype with your friends and family - let's see just how far we can reach!

-Astral Clocktower Studios

 Challenge Mode Poll Update

We've loved hearing all your feedback on what other kinds of challenges we can include in Kristala alongside the special 9 Lives Challenge run.

So far, Naked Challenge runs and Starting Gear Challenge runs have gotten the most support, and you've also submitted tons of new really great ideas beyond the four we initially shared!

We're not quite ready to close this one out yet, so please continue submitting your votes and challenge ideas with us - we'll share some of the options we've landed on in our next update.


3 New Late Bloomer Tiers + 9 Lives Challenge Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 07:03:08 AM

Greetings, Travelers

We hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend! We've officially moved into the final 72 hours of the campaign and we’re celebrating with the launch of three new awesome tiers.

Now you can get two of our most popular tiers—the Raksakkar and the Raksaka—at a special discounted Late Bloomer price. Plus, we’ve added in a brand new Late Bloomer Collector tier that offers both a physical collector’s copy of Kristala for PS5 and a digital copy of the game on the platform of your choice.

And just like the vast majority of all our existing core tiers, each of the three new Late Bloomer tiers comes with 2 keys that’ll get you and a friend access to our closed Alpha testing.

Enjoy 3 new Late Bloomer tiers for the final 72 hours of the Kristala Kickstarter campaign

9 Lives Challenge UNLOCKED + Challenge Modes Poll

Thanks to over 885 incredible backers, we’ve officially blown past our $52k Stretch Goal, which means Kristala will now feature a special 9 Lives Challenge Mode—plus other exciting and fun challenges.

The 9 Lives challenge mode (plus other exciting challenges) has officially been unlocked as a stretch goal in the Kristala Kickstarter campaign

What sort of additional challenges, you ask?

We’ve already brainstormed a ton of potential ideas for possible challenge modes, including Naked Runs, Shield-less Runs, No-Potion Runs, and Starting Gear Runs.

But we want to hear from you.

Kristala is a game created by gamers for gamers, so our goal is to pack it with as much in-demand content from the folks who matter to us most—you.

So, sound off in the comments, Travelers! Let us know which of the proposed challenge modes you want most in the game…or hit us with new challenges you’d love to see incorporated.

Vote for the additional challenge modes you want to see in Dark Fantasy ARPG Kristala

With 3 days remaining in the campaign, we’re already closing in on our next stretch goal for majestic Canine Mounts at $60k, and the oh-so-coveted Nintendo Switch port is well within reach, too!

Can we unlock all stretch goals before the campaign ends? Share the Kristala Kickstarter with your friends and family to help us end this thing with a bang.

Let’s see just how much we can rally during these final 72 hours!

-Astral Clocktower Studios

Cat Character Customizer UNLOCKED + Final Stretch Goals Revealed!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 03:03:20 PM

Hey, Travelers

Exciting news!! We’ve surpassed $46,000 thanks to over 785 incredible backers, which means the stretch goal for our coveted Cat Character Customizer has now officially been unlocked!

All backers will now be able to fully customize the look of their character—from the color, length, and pattern of fur to the addition of jewelry, scars, piercings, and other visual markings—and actually play as their real-life cat in game.

We know you’ve been super hype for this awesome feature, so huge thanks to everyone for rallying and helping us reach this milestone.

A Cat Character Customizer will now be part of Kristala, allowing you to customize the physical look of you character and play as your own cat!

More Epic Stretch Goals Revealed

Our next stretch goal will be unlocked once we $52k and will allow us to incorporate a special 9 Lives Challenge Mode (plus other fun challenges) into the game.

We also just revealed our final two goals for the campaign:

  • $60k: Canine Mounts you can summon to join you on your travels across Ailur
  • $65k: Kristala will be ported for the Nintendo Switch console

So many of you have been patiently waiting for news about whether or not Kristala will be ported for the Switch, so we’re absolutely elated to finally reveal this exciting goal.

And just like traditional horse mounts in Elden Ring and other Action RPGs, reaching the Canine Steeds goal will allow you to summon a friendly, four-legged dog mount during gameplay to accompany you as you explore the dark fantasy world of Kristala.

If our $60k stretch goal is met, Kristala will include Canine Mounts that be summoned to help you traverse and explore the world of Ailur.

Thank you again for your ongoing support - we couldn't do this without you!

-Astral Clocktower Studios